For all press enquiries please contact:
Rainer Zitelmann
Ralph Benko, Capitalism Finds Its Long Needed Champion in Rainer Zitelmann, Townhall, July 12 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, All too much?, City A.M., 19 April 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, Can Greed Be Good?, City A.M., 12 April 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, Monopoly Money? Hardly., City A.M., 06 April 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, The Politics of Money, City A.M., 29 March 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, Modern Marxists: As wrong as he was, City A.M., 22 March 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, What do Brits think of capitalism? Not much, it seems, City A.M., 18 March 2023
How free markets can help us go green, City A.M., 15 March 2023
Book Review: In Defence of Capitalism, Money Week, 17 March 2023
Kristian Niemietz, Book review: A vital tome for those fighting for capitalism, City A.M., 09 March 2023
Andy Silvester, In Defence of Capitalism: How free markets are lifting people out of poverty, msn, 08. March 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, Inequality or Poverty?, City A.M., 08. March 2023
James Bickerton, Bernie Sanders Would Be More Extreme President than Trump, Historian Warns, Newsweek, March 04 2023
Daniel Johnson, Rainer Zitelmann is that rare thing, an unabashed champion of capitalism, says Daniel Johnson, The Critic, March 2023
Rainer Zitelmann, Why Capitalism is the Answer to Hunger and Poverty - Not the Cause, City A.M., 01 March 2023
Eddie Bolland, Book Review - In Defence Of Capitalism, Adam Smith Institute, January 2023
"This book is, as the title suggests, a comprehensive defence of capitalism. And no matter what side of the isle one finds themselves on, it provides useful insight into historical facts on issues which many have assumed to be foregone conclusions. Making it an important and interesting book well worth the read."
City A.M. Editorial, In defence of capitalism? Why the end of CDs signals the triumph of (green) free markets, City A.M., 25. January 2023

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